3 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

by | Apr 17, 2019 | Dentistry

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they talk to you. If you’re teeth aren’t in good shape, it can leave people with the wrong impression about you.

The good news is you don’t have to walk around with a smile that isn’t pleasing to you. At Gateshead Dental, we offer cosmetic dentistry Hamilton procedures that can give you a smile that will light up the room.

Looking for different cosmetic dentistry options? Here are 3 types of cosmetic dentistry procedures for you to consider.

Teeth Whitening
Coffee, soda and tea can leave a yellowish hue on your teeth. After years of consuming these beverages, you may notice that your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be.

Professional teeth whitening treatments are available that can remove stains and discoloration. To determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, contact Gateshead Dental.

Have you ever wondered how celebrities get their teeth so straight and bright? Many people who are in the limelight get veneers put on their teeth.

You don’t have to be famous (or rich) to undergo this cosmetic procedure. It’s an affordable solution that’s available to everyone.

Dental Implants
Missing teeth can cause you to feel self-conscious. However, there’s another reason having missing teeth isn’t good for you. It can contribute to bone deterioration in your gums and jaws.

While it’s true that dental implants can be a significant financial investment, the benefits are worth it. Before you dismiss the idea of getting dental implants based on cost, visit Gateshead Dental to get more information about this option.

Ready to explore a cosmetic dentistry Hamilton procedure? Gateshead Dental can help you enhance your smile. To schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation, contact our office today.

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