What does PERA MN stand for?
The Public Employees Retirement Association (MN PERA) is a Minnesota sanctioned disability program for eligible public service workers. PERA differs from the Minnesota State Retirement Systems (MSRS) in that they each are disability benefits programs but serve a different segment of eligible employees.
Is someone available to explain PERA benefits to me?
For PERA benefits eligibility requirements, speak to a knowledgeable attorney. PERA disability attorneys will go over the guidelines with you and help you understand how the plan works. You should request the benefits documents from your employer, look them over, and write down any questions or concerns you would like to address. It is a good idea to have a basic understanding of these benefits before you need them.
What are the qualifications for PERA disability benefits?
If you experienced a physical or mental injury while serving as a Minnesota public employee and need to apply for benefits, then consider these things:
• Your disability should last at least one year to qualify for benefits. Each disability plan has specific requirements in the Members Handbook.
• Benefits will not be paid more than 90 days retroactively.
• If you are denied PERA benefits, you can go through the appeals process. Be aware of the time limits and other requirements needed to submit your appeal.
• Discussing PERA MN with a licensed, skilled disability attorney will help you get your claim submitted correctly with a greater likelihood of success.
Get guidance from an attorney who is an expert in MN PERA disability cases.
There are excellent, skilled litigators in your area who offer free initial consultations and only charge fees if your case is won. They are there to help you get the benefits that you are entitled to receive.