Clearing Snow and Ice From Railways With the Right Equipment

by | Mar 19, 2021 | Engineering

Many states gets a lot of snow and ice in winter, especially in the Chicago area along the Lake Michigan shore area. As such, railways are constantly covered with snow and ice that has to be effectively cleared if the trains are going to get through. If you work on the railways, you need the right equipment to clear snow and ice. There are very specific pieces of rail maintenance equipment manufactured for this exact purpose. Rather than a shovel and a salt long stretch of railway every hour on the hour, you and your fellow railway employees can use this rail maintenance equipment to quickly and less frequently remove snow and ice from the rails.

Snow Blower Attachments

For your on-rail trucks, these snowblower attachments can move several miles an hour and hundreds of miles of snow from the tracks. It pushes it and then blows it off the sides of the tracks into the ditches that typically follow along tracks. Have more than one snowblower attachment to clear tracks in all directions faster.

Auger Attachments

Auger attachments help remove ice like nobody’s business. When railways are faced with ice storms or have accumulations of ice, these augers will break it up and move it off the rails so that trains can safely move over the rails. If you want to buy any of this railway snow removal equipment for your rail maintenance

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