Scouring sites for stainless steel machining services? Here are several processes you can choose from:
What’s a 3D milling service? It all starts with a 3D model. Some companies find it easier to work when you provide a sample of what you want. However, if you want to build something from scratch or a model simply isn’t available, companies often rely on imaging software and technologies to create the 3D model for you. What follows is getting that 3D model to take on the form of steel by a series of stainless steel machining operations like this one.
This is when the company uses lathes to produce objects of different shapes and sizes, depending on your project requirements. Same as the milling process, if you can hand over a sample, the work goes on easier. If that’s not possible, the company can produce the 3D model for you with the use of imaging software like AutoCAD and CATIA. There’s GibbsCAM as well. Better yet, ask the company before you place an order to see what imaging software they work with. If you have an idea that one works best for your order, then you’ll know if the company is a good match for your project or not.
Drilling operations are often needed when you need to create interlocking parts. If you’re off by a single millimeter, it can affect the quality and fit of the parts as a whole. That’s why it’s enormously important for you to make sure that the machine shop you hire not only has the tools you need. They need the precision skills in handling stainless steel machining work. You may also ask to have the drilled holes tapped or bored, or have its treadmill instead. You can take advantage of the assistance instead of trying to do this yourself.
If you need to recreate a part or rework an old one, there are plenty of machine shops that can help you. Some companies, such as JBC Machine Inc., offer reverse engineering of OEM parts. This also works great for broken parts. Whether you need one for non-structural parts of an aircraft or simply have a machine or tool that needs that part, this service can make your machine or tool run smooth again. Work with the company to find out how to improve function and design of the parts.
Whatever your stainless steel machinery needs, make sure to ask a lot of machine shops around. That way, you’ll have plenty of good options to explore.