What Can Clients Expect From Medical Spa Treatments in Wellington, FL?

by | Apr 18, 2020 | Medical Facilities

Medical spa treatments include a variety of non-invasive treatments that are cosmetic, anti-aging or both. Examples include Botox injections, laser hair removal and microdermabrasion.

What Is Laser Hair Removal Like?

Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that can be done on many parts of the body to remove unwanted hair. The laser safely passes through the skin to target the pigment in the hair follicle and then destroy it. Since the laser only affects hair that is actively growing, the client will usually need six to 12 treatments to get the desired results.

What Is a Facial Like?

Facials are among the more common medical spa treatments in Wellington, FL. The aesthetician will use a variety of skincare products to exfoliate, cleanse and hydrate the client’s skin. The client may choose from such options as the Signature facial or the Oxygen facial, or they may ask for a custom facial tailored to their skin. The client may also request add-ons like LED phototherapy or microdermabrasion.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment done to both exfoliate the skin and remove unwanted hair. The aesthetician will use a special blade to remove hair and dead skin cells. The skin will feel soft and smooth afterward. Dermaplaning can be done on its own or along with another treatment like IPL or a chemical peel.

Contact SP Aesthetics or visit Website Domain to learn more about medical spa treatments in Wellington, FL.

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