What You Should Know When Purchasing Blue Painters Tape in Pacific, MO

by | Jan 20, 2021 | Business

Whether you are a professional painter or working on some DIY projects around the house, having the right tools can help you get the best results. If you want to achieve the most flawless paint job possible, blue painters tape can help you achieve just that.

Prepping Your Surface

In order for any tool to work effectively, you must use it according to the directions. When it comes to using painter’s tape, you want to make sure the area of interest is free from dirt, dust or oil by giving it a good cleaning. This will help your tape stick properly, and prevent any paint from oozing outside of your work perimeter.

Applying the Tape

Not only do you want to ensure that your tape sticks properly, but you also want to make sure there aren’t any wrinkles or air pockets as well. Start your application in the corner, and be sure to smooth out any wrinkles or lumps as you go. Your goal is to get the tape to lay as flat as possible, so it provides a barrier that the paint can’t escape from.

No matter how amazing your blue painters tape is, it won’t work properly unless you do all of the necessary prep work and apply it correctly. If you want to achieve professional results, you must not cheat the process, especially once it is time to remove the tape. The worst thing you can do is try to remove the tape before the area has thoroughly dried as this can lead to an uneven edge.

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